Development Finance Climate Action & Green Transition Skills & Employment

Developing Gender Action Plans under the EBRD-GCF GEFFF programme

Project Details






Armenia, Georgia / Eastern Europe & Central Asia


Inclusive Finance

Green Finance


Women in Business

Green Economy Financing


Dirk Haböck

Are women more affected than men by climate change as a result of gender norms, discriminations or other reasons related to their gender?
Are women-led businesses confronted with greater obstacles when trying to access know-how about green technologies or when borrowing from local banks to invest in such technologies?

Within the framework of this innovative EBRD project IPC will answer these and many other questions related to gender and green finance in a clear and fact-based manner. Within the broader framework of the EBRD and Global Climate Fund’s Green Economy Financing Facilities (GEFF) in Armenia and Georgia, we are working with local stakeholders in both countries when implementing baseline assessments to develop the evidence base and support the development, promotion and, ultimately, uptake of GEFF credit lines by both women and men borrowers, while contributing to closing existing gender gaps in terms of access to finance for energy efficient technologies. The project will help both the EBRD and the GEFF partner financial institutions (PFIs) identify and then address the differentiated needs and priorities of women and men in accessing GEFF finance for the uptake of energy efficient technologies, ultimately leading to improved energy security and climate resilience for both women and men in both urban and rural areas in Armenia and Georgia.

Within this project the IPC team has taken for the first time a gender-sensitive approach to combating climate change through gender-specific measures, acknowledging the fact that women will play a decisive role also in the two Caucasus countries in the introduction of new technologies and measures that are necessary to seize the opportunities that a new, greener economy can offer in the post-COVID era.

Initial research has indicated that neither women nor men entrepreneurs are much aware of the consequences of climate change in the Caucasus region. At the same time, both women and men acknowledge access to finance, access to markets, and the lack of adequately trained workforce as the largest issues they confront, with women emphasising these aspects – and particularly their lack of access to professional networks and knowledge – more than men. These and other interesting findings from our baseline assessments will guide us in the design of subsequent project measures that include not only awareness raising events such as multi-stakeholder workshops held at the national level in Armenia and Georgia, but also capacity building at PFIs to ensure better access to GEFF credit lines for both women and men.

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