Plausibility check of proposed beef supply chain resource efficiency project
The NAMA Facility is a joint mechanism of the governments of Germany, the United Kingdom, Denmark, and the EU Commission that provides support to developing countries showing leadership in tackling climate change that seek to implement transformational country-led Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs).
IPC was contracted by the NAMA Facility to assessing the plausibility of a NAMA support project focused on Brazil’s beef sector. The proposed NAMA project, entitled the “Brazil beef supply chain resource efficiency programme,” had the goal of mitigating greenhouse gas emissions by increasing the efficiency of Brazil’s beef sector through the financing and implementation of measures including recovering degraded pastureland, reducing transport emissions and improving the efficiency of processing equipment.
IPC’s experts assisted the NAMA Facility by conducting an overall review of the plausibility of the project design, as well as assessing the fit of the proposed financing mechanisms of the project. This required IPC to assess the local market environment in Brazil, gauge the relevance and sustainability of the proposed project financial mechanism, understand potential project risks and assumptions, and evaluate whether the requested support from the NAMA Facility was justified.