Development Finance Climate Action & Green Transition Skills & Employment

MSE lending support and regional expansion

Project Details


Baoshang Bank




China / South, Southeast & East Asia


Banking & SME Finance

Inclusive Finance


SME Finance



Ulrich Weber

Baoshang Bank (formerly Baotou City Commercial Bank) was one of the first banks in China to receive assistance from IPC in commercially sustainable MSE-lending operations through the framework of the China Development Bank Microfinance Project (CMFP). Baoshang Bank subsequently became one of the leaders in the Chinese MSE finance industry for many years. Around three years after IPC’s support under the CMFP, the bank contracted us directly to conduct a feasibility study on massive and rapid capacity growth throughout its branch network, covering cities both within and outside Inner Mongolia. Following submission of the feasibility study and based on our recommendations, the bank contracted IPC for a 12-month implementation project.

Feasibility study

  • Identifying material preconditions for massive and rapid capacity growth in terms of number of trainers, mentors, supervisors, recruiters, branches etc.
  • Identifying concepts and approaches to sustainably manage extensive capacity growth, especially training and recruiting concepts, branch opening and supervision models
  • Based on these identified preconditions and concepts, assessing the bank’s current status in these fields, identifying gaps, and making recommendations on how to close these gaps
  • Workshop with relevant stakeholders to discuss findings and recommendations

Implementation project

  • Strengthening capacity of the MSE department at head office to manage: the technical growth of capacity, growing business volume, and operational and credit risks
  • Concept to further strengthen management authority in the MSE department at head-office level by centralizing recruitment management, lending product definition, usage of lending technology, credit decision-making standards
  • Developing an extensive MSE-lending business and operation plan with the bank
  • Strengthening the bank’s internal control capacities in internal audit, credit control, IT, and MIS/reporting
  • Developing a recruitment strategy, and recruitment procedures, policies and standards
  • Strengthening and centralizing the bank’s MSE training capacities to improve the quality of classroom training, on-the-job training, and training supervision
  • Working with all stakeholders of the bank to implement jointly developed concepts and approaches through intensive workshops, seminars and coaching.


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