Strengthening energy efficiency lending at Şekerbank
As the first bank to offer energy efficiency loans for private individuals in Turkey, Şekerbank has been the pioneer for green lending in the country. Due to our long track record of successful cooperation with the bank and our strong expertise in the area, we were commissioned to support the further development of the bank’s green lending activities. We supported the institution in reaching deeper into the market and offering specialised energy efficiency finance products to households and SMEs.
IPC supported product development and implementation of a new client-based lending methodology at the bank. More specifically, we conducted a market study and on that basis defined new processes and provided training to staff.
Our scope of work also included performing impact analyses and energy audits, verifying eligibility for financing and supporting credit line management. Furthermore, we developed and introduced tools for impact analysis and reporting.
With the support of IPC experts, the bank was able to introduce a list of standard investments which measurably improve energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions while ensuring limited transaction costs for the bank. IPC was also able to enhance local capacities in the area of conducting energy audits and we designed material for each stage of the lending process, including marketing, monitoring and reporting.